Legal and political effects of Brexit for labour law and industrial relations


Catherine Barnard, Professor of EU Law and Employment Law, Trinity College, Cambridge University

Måndagen den 27 Mars kl 15.00 – 17.00, Bergsmannen, Aula Magna, Stockholms universitet.

UK Governments and British employers have often disfavoured and tried to block EU initiatives in the social policy field. The trade union side, on the other hand, has often been in favour, as EU labour law Directives have afforded British workers with new rights. Thus, Brexit may have consequences for labour law and industrial relations both in the UK and for countries that remain members. Will the UK deregulate when it is no longer bound by EU labour law? How is Brexit likely to affect negotiation logics in the Council? What implications – if any – will it have for the social dialogue at EU level? At the seminar, Catherine Barnard, who is a leading expert in EU labour and employment law, will discuss these and other questions about legal and political effects of Brexit.
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Hanna Nathorst-Windahl
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