EU & arbetsrätt 1 2016



Serien Arbetsrätten i EU-perspektiv fortsätter med seminariet

Enskildas skadeståndsansvar vid kränkningar av Europakonventionen – vad är nytt i HD:s dom?

Tid:                        onsdag den 9 mars kl 15 – 17

Plats:                     Rum Spelbomskan, Aula Magna, Stockholms universitet.
                              Lokalen ligger 4 – 5 minuters gångväg från
                              T-banestation Universitetet

Inledare:                Professor Håkan Andersson, Uppsala universitet,
                              Docent Petra Herzfeld Olsson, Uppsala universitet
                              Erland Olauson, medlare och opartisk ordförande
                              enligt industriavtalet.

Seminarierna är öppna för alla. Det kostar inget att delta och ingen föranmälan krävs.

Varmt välkommen! 


New Foundations of Labour Law in the Globalised Market Economy?

Stockholm, Thursday 19 May – Friday 20 May 2016

After six years, the research program Regulating Markets and Labour – Nordic, European and Global Perspectives (ReMarkLab), will conclude its work with a high level international conference in Stockholm, Sweden.

ReMarkLab and the Institute for Social Private Law, Stockholm University, have the great pleasure of inviting you to this conference: “New Foundations of Labour Law in the Globalised Market Economy?”

Several eminent international scholars will appear as key-note speakers. In addition, the conference will include parallel workshops on three of the conference themes:
• Precarious Work – the New Normative Model for Labour Law?
• Labour Law and New Forms of Labour Mobility
• Human Rights and International Labour Standards

Please find Programme and Registration at


Doctoral Student Workshop

Stockholm, Wednesday 18 May 2016

A pre-conference workshop for doctoral students will take place the day before the opening of the conference. ReMarkLab and the Institute for Social Private Law at Stockholm Univer-sity have the great pleasure of inviting doctoral students working with European or global aspects on labour and employment law in a broad sense to participate in the workshop. Participants will have the opportunity to present their projects and discuss methodological and/or substantive concerns with each other and with leading legal scholars.

Please find Programme and Registration at 


Arbetslivsinstitutet Eu & arbetsrätt