EU & arbetsrätt 2 2016
Serien Arbetsrätten i EU-perspektiv
fortsätter med seminariet
Uber, crowdwork och Europeiska kommissionens agenda
Tisdagen den 29 november kl 15 – 17
Plats: Rum Spelbomskan, Aula
Magna, Stockholms universitet. Inledare: Alexis Huldén, doktorand vid Helsinfors universitet Länk: Seminarierna är öppna för alla. Det kostar inget att delta och ingen föranmälan krävs. Varmt välkommen! |
Stockholm, Thursday 19 May – Friday 20 May 2016 After six years, the research program Regulating Markets and Labour – Nordic, European and Global Perspectives (ReMarkLab), will conclude its work with a high level international conference in Stockholm, Sweden. ReMarkLab and the Institute for Social Private Law, Stockholm University, have the great pleasure of inviting you to this conference: “New Foundations of Labour Law in the Globalised Market Economy?”
Several eminent international scholars will appear as key-note speakers.
In addition, the conference will include parallel workshops on three of
the conference themes: Please find Programme and Registration at
Stockholm, Wednesday 18 May 2016 A pre-conference workshop for doctoral students will take place the day before the opening of the conference. ReMarkLab and the Institute for Social Private Law at Stockholm Univer-sity have the great pleasure of inviting doctoral students working with European or global aspects on labour and employment law in a broad sense to participate in the workshop. Participants will have the opportunity to present their projects and discuss methodological and/or substantive concerns with each other and with leading legal scholars. Please find Programme and Registration at