EU & arbetsrätt 3 2010
Kalendariet Seminarieserien Arbetsrätten i EU-perspektiv fortsätter vid Stockholms universitet. Seminarierna är öppna för alla. Det kostar inget att delta och ingen föranmälan krävs. Nästa seminarium är Latest news from Brussels- what’s on the Commission’s labour law agenda? Tuesday 26 October 15 - 17 Seminariet är på engelska. Venue: Room Spelbomskan, Aula Magna. Aula Magna is situated 4 - 5 minutes walk from Metro station Universitetet. Speaker: Sjoerd Feenstra, Deputy Head of Labour Law Unit, European Commission, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities A number of controversial labour law issues are on the European Commission's agenda right now, such as posting of workers, working time in general and working time for drivers, and the protection of pregnant and breast-feeding women. Another initiative which is of interest for labour lawyers and social partners is a projected interpretative communication on social considerations in public procurement. At the seminar Sjoerd Feenstra will give us an insight in the Commission's thinking and a hutch of what initiatives the Member States are to expect in the nearest future. |
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