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Protection of Established Position

Summary of the Article “Protection of Established Position,
Normative Incoherence and the Changing Normative Field of Labour Law”

The starting point for this Article is the theory developed by Anna Christensen during the 90s when the European and European Union influence on the national legal system in the Nordic countries was becoming evident.

The Article seeks to analyze some recent developments in EU social law within the framework of Anna Christensen´s theory. In order to analyse how these changes can be positioned within the normative field of labour law, the Article deals with some strong developmental features in European and EU labour law. These are among others the tension between the EU economic freedoms and fundamental labour rights (the right to collective action) after the Viking and Laval judgments and the latest developments in the economic constitution of the European Union after the economic and financial crisis.

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Protection of Established Position

Texten har även publicerats i:
Normative Patterns and Legal Developments in the Social Dimension of the EU


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Publicerad av
Niklas Bruun
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