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The evolution of fixed-term employment in Swedish legislation: What can we learn from history?

This chapter explains the beliefs, values and other premises that were the basis for the design of the law in relation to forms of employment, from the time LAS was enacted in 1974 until Sweden joined the European Union in 1995. The study is intended to reveal the discourses struggling for the power to determine the design of the law with respect to forms of employment and to identify the dominant discourses at various points in time. The chapter contains a historical description about forms of employment and the values and notions underlying the legislation, which contrast with the values and notions of reality that emerge in flexicurity.

Läs hela artikeln
The evolution of fixed-term employment in Swedish legislation: What can we learn from history?

Texten har även publicerats i:
Globalisation, Fragmentation, Labour and Employment Law. A Swedish Perspective.


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Publicerad av
Carin Ulander- Wänman
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