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Pleasures and Torments of Comparative Legal Research

Two Why-questions are the overriding concern for all analytical comparative work. First: Why are things the way they are in that foreign country? Second: Why are things different in my country and this other country? Answers are often difficult to come by, in fact not seldom impossible to find or utterly elusive, but intrepid minds will not shrink from attempting to find answers just because the journey is ardous. Thus struggling the comparative scholar becomes a kind of explorer who opens up new vistas. The article concludes with a remark by Rudyard Kipling: "All things considered, there are only two kinds of men in the world - those who stay at home and those who do not. The second are the more interesting". The author of this article whole-heartedly concurs!

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Pleasures and Torments of Comparative Legal Research

Texten har även publicerats i:
Arbetsrätt 1999, Iustus.


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Reinhold Fahlbeck
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