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Collective Agreements: A Crossroad Between Public law and Private law

This text is the result of an international project. It is based on some twenty odd national reports representing all legal families.

The purpose of the text is to analyse the collective agreement from the point of view of the dichotomy public versus private, hence the title. It does so in an historical perspective since it is a theme in the book that the character of collective agreements differs according to the stage in which is came into existence in the various countries.

Another theme in the book is that the collective agreement can have radically different functions depending, for example, on the ecnomic system of a country. In this respect a comparison is made between market economies and planned economies.

The interplay between collective agreements and statutes is highlighted briefly.

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Collective Agreements: A Crossroad Between Public law and Private law

Texten har även publicerats i:
Acta Societatis Juridicae Lundensis (ISBN 91-544-1931-X, 1987). A somewhat abridged version was published in
Comparative Labor Law Journal, Volume 8, Number 3, Spring 1987


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Reinhold Fahlbeck
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