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Mini-hearing “Posting of workers: do the EU rules work? A Nordic Perspective”

The Posting of Workers Directive 96/71/EC was introduced in the mid 90´s and can be seen as a codification of some of the ECJ case law on how to balance partly conflicting interests or how to draw the borderline between free movement on services on one hand and the avoidance of so called social dumping and the protection of posted workers on the other. This presentation deals with the present situation of posting in the Nordic countries (mainly Denmark, Finland and Sweden) and argues that the Nordic rules do work, although there are certain tensions when adapting the rules on posting to the Nordic Model of collective bargaining. The presentation discusses the special features of the different Nordic countries and presents some new developments especially from Sweden. The presentation also deals with the recent Commission Communication: “Guidance on the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services”.

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Mini-hearing “Posting of workers: do the EU rules work? A Nordic Perspective”


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Publicerad av
Niklas Bruun
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